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Units Converter / US Standard Atmosphere Calculator

4.6 ( 9296 ratings )
Værktøjer Uddannelse
Forfatter: Charles Mathieu
1.99 USD

This units conversion tool works on a single view. Conversions are provided for the following categories: Volume, Temperature, Mass, Pressure, Area, Angle, Time, Length, Speed, Force, Work, Energy, Density, Acceleration and Astronomical distances.

A precision slider allows to display conversion results with a precision between 2 and 10 decimals.

A stepper allows to increase / decrease the font size to adjust formatting.

A "Reverse conversion" button shows what the inverse conversion is for the same entered value.

In addition to its units conversion functionality, uConverter calculates trigonometric and inverse trigonometric values for angles expressed in Degrees or Radians.

uConverter incorporates Science Cheat Sheets about Math, Astronomy and Physics Constants.

Last but not least, uConverter is also a US Standard Atmosphere calculator: It will determine Pressure, Density, Geopotential Altitude, Speed of Sound and Acceleration of Gravity for any altitude between -5000m and +86400m. These values are calculated assuming standard sea-level conditions (Temperature = 288.15K and pressure = 1013.25 millibars).